Sugar alternatives Fruit Sweetener

sugar alternatives fruit sweetener

Date Paste:

How to make: Blend soaked and pitted dates with a bit of water to form a smooth paste. Usage: Use date paste in baking, smoothies, or as a spread.

Banana Puree:

How to make: Mash ripe bananas into a puree. Usage: Incorporate banana puree in baking, pancakes, or as a natural sweetener in oatmeal.


How to make: Cook and blend apples until smooth. Usage: Replace sugar with applesauce in recipes for moisture and sweetness in baked goods.

Maple Syrup:

How to make: Extract sap from maple trees and boil it down to create syrup. Usage: Use maple syrup as a liquid sweetener in various dishes, including pancakes, dressings, and desserts.


How to make: Extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. Usage: Available as a powder or liquid, stevia is a zero-calorie sweetener suitable for beverages and baking.

Coconut Sugar:

How to make: Sap from the coconut palm is extracted, heated, and dehydrated to form coconut sugar. Usage: Use coconut sugar as a 1:1 substitute for granulated sugar in recipes.

Date Sugar:

How to make: Dehydrated, ground dates form date sugar. Usage: Use date sugar in baking and cooking as a natural sweetener with a distinct flavor.

Agave Nectar:

How to make: Extracted from the agave plant. Usage: Agave nectar is a liquid sweetener suitable for beverages, baking, and dressings.

Ripe Fruit Puree (Pear or Peach):

How to make: Puree ripe fruits like pears or peaches. Usage: Incorporate fruit puree in recipes for added natural sweetness and moisture.

Raisins or Raisin Paste:

How to make: Blend soaked raisins into a paste. Usage: Use raisin paste in baking or as a sweetener in certain dishes. When using these alternatives, keep in mind that they may impart unique flavors to your recipes, so it’s advisable to experiment and adjust quantities based on personal taste preferences. Additionally, some fruit sweeteners are not as concentrated as refined sugar, so you may need to use more or less depending on the specific alternative.  

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